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Poesie in inglese

Pagine: 1234... ultimatutte


I shake your thoughts
like the wind with the harvests,
disjointed sometimes,
moisted paths
of rain and worries
in searching for
and cherish in heart
any mark of tricks.

   2 commenti     di: Chiara S.


Can't sleep without you...
Only in your arms I feel safe,
only in your arms I feel free.

"And I miss you, like the desert miss the rain"

   13 commenti     di: Mirka Naldi

Stop this change

I feel something change.
Stop, please stop change.
Inside I feel everything,
I feel strange sensation of sameness.
Don't want it.
I reject it.
I hate it.
Help me feel alive, out of this monotony.

   4 commenti     di: Jules

In Homage to Shakespeare ( Romeo and Juliet)

In memoria di Jackie Stafford
amica inglese ( traduzione )

is the Queen
of the Fairies;
on her spider-legged chariot
she jumps
from one night to another
beyond the limits
of the time allowed,
all lovers' minds
to make them dream
of Love.
is the Queen
of tricks;
through the fogs
by the mist of sighs,
she makes the world
drunk of madness,
she weave

[continua a leggere...]

Several Poems


At a moment of my senses I think

I am nothing, just feel

The freedom that’s passing by

The people who develop

Some drowning and I breathe

In this translucent sheet

Which rocks and cools

Even under sunshine that enhances

Forms, shadows and corners

From the quadrilateral uterus

Blue and ordinary of the swimming pool.

[continua a leggere...]

Pagine: 1234... ultimatutte

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