poesie » Poesie in inglese » Several Poems
Several Poems
At a moment of my senses I think
I am nothing, just feel
The freedom that’s passing by
The people who develop
Some drowning and I breathe
In this translucent sheet
Which rocks and cools
Even under sunshine that enhances
Forms, shadows and corners
From the quadrilateral uterus
Blue and ordinary of the swimming pool.
Oceans show
expansive waters
that dilate and scatter
and extend and constrict themselves
(imagine a mixed-colour sea
that we call red sea)
it breathes large waves
free and clean
while my own waters
walking like a crab
try to get out
from the aquarium.
Strong water copper
Among cuts erosion
I leave an imprint upon
On surface of the sea
As well as watermarks
On the sand, while
I either paint marines
Or navigate
Through the blue ocean
If I write I’ll employ
The horizon line
In an acid essence
From where I’ll bring
Some large jelly fishes
To someone who can’t has
A precise view of the sea
Somber clouds from soil
stop fly of herons
some deers lose their ways
above creepings rhizomes
my boat góes drift away
from this cold darkness
I just bring tragic texts
of tales and poetries
It’s an eternal race
at another’s expense
whose can’t do anything for weakness
still begining
of spermatozoons
from reproduction
from the first spilling
to the ocean salt
volcanic control
they compete in the words
“I suggest”
to fertilize
at first
they sink
bad loving
and bad loved
into the well
un altro testo di questo autore un'altro testo casuale
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