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A man

People don't know anything
about him.
He's lonley man,
near the madness,
near the fear.
He writes songs for the sun
but with no success.
And People decide to
leave him alone.
Alone, for the rest of his
A pathethic life, alone,
lonley man by the river,
near the sun of a grave.
Cats run along his body,
in the middle of the night.
He sings his songs,
all night long,
without sense,
pathethic man
run by the river.
They choose the rules,
there's nothing left to say,
to lose, for him.
He sings to the sky,
and the surprise to see her
another time,
it makes him him free again.
And now,
he sings his songs,
all day long,
with the girls that he loves,
e there's no more words.


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3 commenti:

  • Jurjevic Marina il 17/11/2009 17:19
    Quello che trasmette è meraviglioso.. l'uomo.. solo.. patetico.. ma fiero di sè stesso.. ai sogni.. alle melodie che per lui hanno senso.. a parte gli errori grammaticali, è stupenda
  • Anonimo il 28/09/2009 00:17
    bellissima intensa letta ed apprezzata
  • giusi boccuni il 27/09/2009 20:43
    bella, bravo per la conoscenza dell'inglese e... dopo tanta solitudine, meno male che c'è lei... e non servon più parole...

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